
Building a foundation that lasts.

What is Waumba Land?

Waumba Land is a weekly environment created especially for your Toddlers through to Preschool aged children. We can’t wait to meet them!

Waumba Land is clean and safe and staffed with caring volunteers who will get to know you and your child by name. Perfect for busy parents.

We believe in an active, hands-on approach to learning with preschool children. You can plan on a lot of jumping, singing, dancing and laughter in every experience. Be on the lookout for fun crafts and games. We look forward to helping your Toddler and Preschooler learn more about God.

It is our hope that your child will discover:

What We Do?

We partner with you for the spiritual growth of your child.

Each hour with your child includes Bible stories, songs, crafts, games, and best of all, small group discussions to practically apply what they have learnt.

Toddlers – will meet each week in their classroom with a dedicated leader and learn about God in a meaningful and developmentally appropriate way through hands-on activities.

Age 3 to Grade R- will meet with children of a similar age. The hour is intentionally designed so that each child experiences a large group time of Bible story and singing. They then break into small groups where they practically talk about how to live out what they have learnt. Ask them about it!

Waumba Land happens at our 9:00 am. Registration opens at 8h30.

Programming for children with special needs is available.

For more information please contact Trudi Eachus.

To subscribe to our Southpoint Kids YouTube channel, enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube

TODDLERS (Age 1-2)

Join us in-person just before 9h00, as we learn that God loves everything about me!


Hey Parents! This month we are hearing about Daniel in the Lions Den.

We believe a child is never too young to learn/memorise a Verse. Teach them to do the actions while you say the verse.


Join us in-person just before 9h00, as we learn that God loves everything about me!


Hey Parents! This month your child will learn about some amazing things God did to show us He loves and cares about us! WOW!

Check out the new Memory Verse and teach your Preschooler the actions to help them learn the verse.

5 June

Creation — Genesis 1

12 June

Rahab and the Spies — Joshua 2 & 6

19 June

Elijah and the Widow - 1 Kings 17: 7-16

26 June

Coming soon!

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Hey Parents! This month we are hearing about how GOD MADE MY BODY! Read the story to your Toddler and talk about how God loves everything about them.

We believe a child is never too young to learn/memorise a Verse. Teach them to do the actions while you say the verse. Encourage your Toddler to join in during the Music Video.


Hey Parents! This May, your child is learning that God made them and He loves everything about them. Remind your Pre-schooler how special they are to God.

We are learning a new Bible Verse this month and you won't want to miss watching the new Music Video under MAY WORSHIP.

1 May - I Am Special to God — Psalm 139:13–15a, Jeremiah 1:5

When you’re playing on the playground, or singing in the car, or drawing a picture, or looking at your favorite book… you can remember that God made you and He loves everything about you!

8 May - God Made My Body — Genesis 1:26–27

Each and every part of your body is wonderfully made by God!

15 May - God Made Me to Do Many Things — Psalm 47:1, Psalm 86:11, Proverbs 20:11–12, Acts 9:36, Acts 20:35

You are wonderfully made by God to share, to say kind words, to help others, to celebrate Him, and many other good things!

22 May - God has a plan for me — Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 2:10

God knows the plans He has for you. God has a special plan for each and every person, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Those plans might be things we learn, or things He wants us to do, or even kind words He wants us to say to other people.

29 May



Hey Parents! This month we are hearing about EASTER! Read the story to your Toddler and talk about Jesus being your Toddlers GOOD FRIEND.

We believe a child is never too young to learn/memorise a Verse. Teach them to do the actions while you say the verse. Encourage your Toddler to join in during the Music Video.


Hey Parents! This April, we're learning that Jesus is the best friend we could ever have. Remind your Pre-schooler how much Jesus loves them.

We are learning a new Bible Verse this month and you won't want to miss watching the new Music Video under APRIL WORSHIP.

3 April - The Four Friends — Mark 2:1–12

Jesus helped the man because He loved him and He was his friend. Jesus is your friend too!

10 April - Entry Celebration — Matthew 21:1–16

The people were so excited to see Jesus because they knew He was their good friend. Just like Jesus is your good friend and Jesus is my good friend!

17 April - Easter — Matthew 26:20–30, 28:1–7

Jesus came back, just like He promised His friends He would do, because He loved them. Jesus loves all of us, too, and wants all of you to know that He is your good friend too.

24 April - Mary and Martha — Luke 10:38–42

Just like you want to spend time with your friends, your mom and dad, your brother and sister, your pets… Jesus wants us to spend time with Him too. Because Jesus wants to be our friend forever.


Hey Parents! This month we are hearing about a BIG PARTY! Read the story to your Toddler and talk about wanting to be like Jesus.

We believe a child is never too young to learn/memorise a Verse. Teach them to do the actions while you say the verse. Encourage your Toddler to join in during the Music Video.


Hey Parents! This March, we are learning all about Jesus and how we can be more like Him. Remind your preschooler that they can be kind, loving and a great friends just like Jesus!

We are learning a new Bible Verse this month and you won't want to miss watching the new Music Video under MARCH WORSHIP.

6 March - Follow Jesus

Simon left all this stuff and followed Jesus. He wanted to do the things that Jesus did. Simon wanted to be like Jesus. Jesus was kind and helped people... and Simon was right there with Jesus being kind and helping people too. Jesus would take a rest and pray... and Simon would rest and talk to God too.

13 March - Jesus at the Temple

Jesus knew so much about God because he spent time with God. You can be like Jesus too! You all can spend time with God by singing songs about Him or reading your Bible. When we learn more about God, we can tell others all about Him just like Jesus did.

20 March - Jesus Prays

In the Bible read about so many times when Jesus prayed to God. Praying just means he was talking to God. Jesus talked to God at so many different times of the day, no matter where he was..about so many different things. If I want to be like Jesus, I can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about anything too.

27 March - The Big Party

Jesus told this story because He wanted everyone to know that He loves ALL people and He wants ALL of the people to know that they are special to Him. Jesus is kind and caring to EVERYONE because He loves them. We too can be kind and caring and love everyone just like Jesus does!


Hey Parents! This month we are learning that JESUS LOVES EVERYONE! Your Toddler will hear about Zacchaeus and how Jesus loved him when no one else did. Read the story to your Toddler and talk with your Toddler about how Jesus can do anything.

We believe a child is never too young to learn/memorise a Verse. Teach them to do the actions while you say the verse. Encourage your Toddler to join in during the Music Video.


Hey Parents! There's no better way to celebrate February than by talking about love. Remind your child that Jesus loves everyone and they can too!

We are learning a new Bible Verse this month and you won't want to miss watching the new Music Video under FEBRUARY WORSHIP.

6 February - Woman at the Well

Jesus went on a trip. During that trip, Jesus showed a lot of people just how much He loves EVERYONE! John 4:1–26

13 February - Zacchaeus

Who does Jesus love?Jesus loves everyone.Today we hear about a man who didn’t know that Jesus loves everyone. The man’s name was Zacchaeus. Luke 19:1–8

20 February - Jesus Forgives

Jesus knew that everyone does wrong things but that doesn’t mean He isn’t your friend or that He doesn’t love you because Jesus loves everyone. John 8: 1-11

27 February - Disciples tell others

Jesus wants us to tell everyone that He loves them! The job He gave His most special friends is our job, too, because we are all His special friends. He wants us to tell everyone that Jesus loves them and that He wants to be their friend forever and ever.


Hey Parents! This month we are learning that JESUS CAN DO ANYTHING! Your Toddler will hear how Jesus calms the storm. Read the story to your Toddler and talk with your Toddler about how Jesus can do anything.

We believe a child is never too young to learn/memorise a Verse. Teach them to do the actions while you say the verse. Encourage your Toddler to join in during the Music Video.


Hey Parents! This January, we are learning that JESUS CAN DO ANYTHING! Talk with your preschooler about how Jesus can help us when we afraid and even help us do things that are hard!

We are learning a new Bible Verse this month and you won't want to miss watching the new Music Video under JANUARY WORSHIP.


Jesus was a guest at a party and something really amazing happened!


It all started when there were some fishermen in their boats fishing.

16 January - FEEDING THE 5000

Jesus did something amazing with a lunch from a kid just like you!


Have YOU ever seen someone walk on water? Well Peter did...check out the video to hear more.


Jesus was there for some of His friends when they got scared. Here’s what happened…

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