A church that feels like a home. A family to call your own.

Join us in person every Sunday at 8:30am and 10:00am. You can also find us on YouTube, Facebook Live, and Church online by following the links below.

Everything you need to know right now.

Below is a list of our special opportunities that are carefully designed to benefit you!


Welcome to Southpoint Church! We are so happy to have you here. Southpoint Church exists to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Our goal is to make sure EVERYONE at Southpoint Church has a chance to make a connection with someone else. Click the button, read the page, fill out the form, and we will help you get connected.

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Get Involved

Life is better when we give a little of our time. Some of our strongest friendships and groups are born out of serving. We still have TONS of places where we would love to have your help.

I want to Serve

Church Online

The Bible is the Word of God | Southpoint Church | Lynton Daames

There are certain beliefs that are so central to the Christian faith, that we’re willing to stake our lives on them.

These are the Hills We Die On. In this series, we will cover those core beliefs and why we must hold them.

How to Give || Where to Get Prayer

When you give of you finances you are saying two things:

  1.  I trust God with my money.
  2. I believe in the mission and vision of Southpoint Church.

We take every financial gift as an incredible blessing.

Tithes and Gifts

If you need prayer for anything at all we are here for you.  We would love to be able to pray for you when you have a need and celebrate with you when God answers a prayer.

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Online Content for all ages.

We value your kids of all ages and are committed to providing amazing online content.

Building a foundation that lasts.


Exploring God’s big ideas.

Grade 1-4

Developing a faith of their own.

Grade 5-7

Positive influences & good friends.

Grade 8-12
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