Next Steps

So, what's NEXT for you at Southpoint Church?

NEXT is giving you a clear next step in understanding who we are, how we operate and in discovering your purpose in being a part of a local church such as Southpoint Church.

What is the purpose of NEXT?

NEXT is all about you to understanding the mission & strategy of Southpoint Church.

Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our values are centred around hope, safety, value, community and growth.

Our strategy is two-fold:
1. Southpoint is a disciple-making church.
• We are driven by the Great Commandment and the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:37-39 & Matthew 28:19-20)
• Southpoint’s mission is to make disciples of all nations by being an outward-facing church that endeavours to reach the lost and disciple them as Christ-followers.

2. Southpoint is a Kingdom building church.
• What we have as a body of Christ is so amazing that we dare not keep it to ourselves.
• Southpoint seeks to bring the righteous rule and reign of God in our society and in the world.
• We pursue opportunities in communities, schools, and other entities to share our gifts and talents for the benefit of those on the receiving end.

Register for NEXT

Join us for an upcoming NEXT session to find out more about what we believe and value.

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